
Friday, 3 May 2019

fijian war club

Today I brought a fijian war club to school my nana made it was made out of oka wood. i was telling the class We were passing the war club to the back and the way how to say axe in fiji is Totokia. It was use to kill people in the war when people use to attack the islands the totokia went up to 3 to 2 meters long. There was different kind of totokia there was sharp bits. Then i was done and we all went to blog.


  1. Bula Vinaka Julius! Thank you for bringing in one of your family 'treasures' from your Fijian family. It was beautifully crafted. I wonder who taught your Nana to carve a totokia? I wonder what sizes they come?

  2. Hi julius its me sika just saying is that a fijian ax with patterns.


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